If you would like to start a return or exchange, please visit Here
Returns and exchanges will be handled the same way. Except for any product marked as non-returnable such as, build/drilled to order, custom painted, blowout specials, etc, Extreme will accept returns on products in it's original condition within 30 days of the date they were delivered. The buyer will be charged a 30% restocking fee along with being responsible for original & return shipping costs unless there was a prior arrangement with Extreme.
Wheels cannot be returned after having tires mounted; nor tires returned after being mounted onto wheels. Inspect all product(s) for damage prior to installing. The buyer is responsible for test fitting wheels to the vehicle before having a tire mounted.
The buyer MUST receive a RMA number from Extreme prior to shipping the product(s) back. If the buyer does not receive a RMA number, Extreme and/or its vendors will refuse the shipment(s) and the buyer will be responsible for all shipping costs. Buyer will receive the balance in the form of an in-store credit to be used for a future purchase unless there was a prior arrangement with Extreme. The prior arrangement must be agreed to, in writing, by Extreme and the buyer.